Sunday, June 14, 2015

Vocabularies "Love is Beautiful" in FB English Pare

1. a true love = Cinta sejati
2. fall in love = Jatuh Cinta
3. Madly in love = Sangat Mencintai
4. Get Affection = Mendapatkan Kasih Sayang
5. Hurt My Heart = Melukai Hatiku
6. Shake Hand = Bersalaman
7. Get Closer = Lebih Dekat
8. Love each other = Saling Mencintai
9. Understand each other =Saling Mengerti
10. Trust each other = Saling Percaya
11. Power of Love = Kekuatan Cinta
12. Puppy Love = Cinta Remaja
13. Broken Heart = Patah Hati
14. Embrace Hand = Bergandengan Tangan
15. Match Maker = Mak Comblang
16. Believe in = Percaya
17. Private Conversation = Percakapan Pribadi
18. My Beloved Parent = Orangtua Tercinta
19. Love of the Light = Cinta dari Cahaya
20. Divine Love = Cinta Ilahi
21. Love of Liberty = Cinta Kebebasan
22. Calf Love = Cinta Monyet
23. Lady Love = Kekasih tercinta
24. Love Letter = Surat Cinta
25. No other love = Tidak ada Cinta yang Lain
26. Love affair = Hubungan Asmara
27. Willing Sacrifice = Rela Berkorban
28. Look at down = meremehkan
29. Stick Together = Bersatu
30. Romatic Experience = Pengalaman Romantis
31. The worst Experience = Pengalaman Buruk
32. Felt affection for = merasa sayang terhadap
33. Stand idle = Berpangku tangan
34. Sincerity of heart = Kegundahan Hati
35. Affection = Kasih sayang
36. Sacrifice = Pengorbanan
37. be more patient = lebih sabarlah
38. useless effort = Usaha yang sia-sia
39. bitter experience = pengalaman yang pahit
40.Commit Suicide = Bunuh diri
41. Pay Much attention =